Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Experimental Pictures

Just checking out my two cameras, and the difference between day and night pics.  Hmmm... I think this is a wreath that needs to be put in storage, but that hasn't always been easy.  I made it about 3 or 4 years ago, and each year it has gotten seriously messed up.  The first year I hung it on the front porch.  It was so beautiful from the street, but one night the temperature went plummeting into the single digits, and I could hear the ornaments dropping off, one by one, and crashing to the porch...CRASH...tinkle, tinkle, tinkle...  The next year I replaced all the missing ornaments and somehow, after Christmas it got stashed in the basement/cellar, where it got squashed, stepped on, etc.  (WHAT is that kid doing down there??)  The next year my son stuffed it in the never-ending attic.  Not so bad, until I brought it down and dropped a hammer on it....CRASH... tinkle, tinkle, tinkle...(don't ask).  So I fixed it AGAIN, and I'm sick of it, so now it will go some place safe as soon as I figure out where that is.  

Until that time, it still hangs in our bay window, pretending it's Christmas.  It must weigh 50 pounds by now, with all the glue and repairs.  It's at least 36" across.  So pretty, so impractical.
I'm calling it a day.  I'll figure it all out tomorrow.  Or next week...

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