Isn't this a pretty little picture I found at the thrift store? It's now hanging in our bedroom, reminding me of our rose garden that blooms like crazy all summer long.
We were so lucky when we moved into this house, because the landscaping and gardens had been done by previous owners. Some of it is very old, like the apricot tree, peach tree, pears...but also a zillion rose bushes and rhododendrons, that brighten our yard in the warm weather.
I spent a whole lot of time yesterday getting up and running on Etsy Cottage Style, which dear
Jen Duncan invited me to join. What a neat community, with immediate back and on the badge in my side bar to visit! I have pics posted, but am not set up to sell yet. Just need to do it, get PayPal, etc.
Periwinkle tagged me with a meme about 5 favorite blog posts (my own), but since I'm somewhat new, I'm going to do what she did (she's also a newbie) and just write directly about each topic:
1. Family-- I grew up in an absurdly happy family, where we all loved each other and had a happy life. Really. My own family now consists of my husband and our 3 kids, ages 26, 24, and 14, all beautiful adopted children. Our two older sons are both Asian, and our daughter is a happy mix of Hispanic, Caucasian, Pacific Island (thus explaining her volumes of dark, billowy hair), etc. Gorgeous. My husband is a music teacher who used to be a worship director, and he and I do a whole lot of singing together. In fact, we first met in a band that we were in.
2. Friends-- We have the greatest group of friends, lots of them, for which we are very thankful. They are really more family than friends, and when we're all old, we plan on moving into the same old folks' home and raising hell.
3. Yourself-- Hmmm... obviously I love artsy-fartsy stuff--all kinds. I'm also a school teacher, though I quit to raise my kids and have time for other things in my life. I've been a pop-style singer for a loooong time and have sung my brains out all over the place. Maybe that's what's wrong with me.
4. Something you love-- I LOVE a warm spring evening, walking around our yard with my husband and a glass of white wine, looking at new buds and sprouts, dreaming of all the great things we want to do with our yard, which we'll never really do...
5. Anything-- I love to read, sew, craft, thrift, watch TV, and take naps, and I hate to work outside my home. I'll do almost anything to keep from having to go out to work. Love being a homemaker, and I wish I had a billion dollars so I could be one for ever and ever. There. I've admitted it. I'll bet I'm not the only one.